Friday, September 14, 2007

Depression, those lovely self-fulfilling dreads

Been feeling a bit depressed for about two weeks. Now getting to the really bad stage where you do really silly things like
  • weight gains are depressing - eat more to compensate
  • don't want to socialise - get depressed when no one talks to you
  • easily distracted at work - get depressed because work isn't going well
All of which leads to lovely self-fulfilling things. The mood is due to break soon, I hope it does.


  1. I don't want to socialise either, but that's just me. I definitely need to get a new job.

  2. Hi John,
    Not socialising during those times is a good idea, it protects people from getting blasted when my emotions go completely wild.
    As I thought, by the time I can actually talk (or type) about the depression, it's a sign that the mood will break. It has broken!
